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Panel 2.4: A Century of French Historiography on the Peace Treaty
Panel 1.3: The Middle East and the Paris Peace Conference
William Fisher Welcome and Opening Remarks at The AUP Paris Peace Conference
Panel Discussion: “How the First World War Shaped the Modern World”
8.1 Exploring Historiography
"1919: The Politics of the Peacemaking" (DA Conference 2019): Paris 1919 in Historical Perpective
Greek Conference 2015 | Get Ready for #GCXV
#MrChangingLivesTour | Greek Leadership Conference
Jonathan Fennell | Combat and Social Change in the Second World War
A Critical Historiography on Puerto Rican Resistance 1969-89: Arcadio Diaz 2_5
2011 Annual Conference on Turkey: Intro + Keynotes 1/7
History, Memory and Antagonism in Modern Ireland: Prof. Roy Foster